Complex Wounds or Cutaneous cover loss
As reconstructive surgeons, we are used to solve every type of problem of cutaneous and soft parts cover, originated iin accidents, burns or other previous surgical interventions. In Silfid’ the multidisciplinary job in every surgical area allow us to solve complex reconstructive cases with the maximum quality and trust.
In many occasions these wounds can be solved with a proper care of the wound, either with ambulatory specialised cares or either with the latest dressings or bandages that help the cleanliness and regeneration of tissue, minimizing the pain and discomfort of the patients. In other cases, especially originated in surgical procedures (allocation of a knee,ankle, nails or metal plate prosthesis, urgent interventions or neurosurgical, etc). This healing process is more complicated.
We count on the widest experience in the resolution of these difficult problems. Like this oir medical-surgical team will study your case, history, images test and culture, so firstly we can determine the origin of the problem and then set out a therapeutic strategy that solves it. Afterwards, we will collaborate with your usual doctors to work together in the treatment that will solve your problem.
Using tried and tested and innovative techniques as well as the latest materials to solve your problem.