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Collagen induction with Dermapen

Collagen induction with Dermapen

The therapy of collagen induction has the aim of improving the aesthetics look and  wrinkles, stretchmarks and scars treatments.Over the years the deterioration of the protector barrier of the skin, reduces the expression and the response activity of the growing factors, increasing the oxidative stress and reducing the dermis strength.

The effects of the skin are an increase of the metalloproteinase ( degrade the collagen), a slowdown of the epidermis change, an increase of the dehydration and cutaneous dryness, the appearance of discromies (skin colour alterations, stains), increase of the skin vascularization, scar appearance, deterioration of the collagen fibres of type I and II and elastin, producing damages on the DNA in lipids and proteins.

Thanks to the collagen induction treatment with NANOPORE TURBO ROLLER and its topical application, we can reduce the aging and improve the skin’s texture and quality. We use an electric puncture device, minimally invasive with the application of growing factors on the skin, with a variable speed between 50-150 beats per second, what allows an optimal penetration of the actives and a maximum stimulation of the collagen, reducing the pain, the depth of the puncture is from 0.25mm to 1.5mm causing a small trauma on the epidermis without the need of scarring process.

This treatment is perfect for: wrinkles, photo-aging, acne, enlarged pores, flaccidity, pigment alterations (stains), burns, alopecia, stretchmarks, scars, etc. We could summarise the effect of this treatment in the following actions:

Anti-aging action
Epithelial, elasticity and firmness action
Depigmentation and rejuvenating action
Stimulation action on the hair follicle stem cells

We can apply a treatment to combat the aging and reduce the hair loss in a comfortable and safe way. Comfortable, because the treatment is done in one session per month, being able to see results since the first session and being optimal from the third session. And safe because it is done under medical supervision. Necessary factors according to the protocols for an improvement effect of the skin quality, we are talking about a completely individualised treatment.

If we also combine it with peelings, facial or capillary mesotherapy with vitamins and hyaluronic acid or injected collagen, we can get a maximum effect, revealing a young look with more light and firmness in a short period of time.

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Collagen induction with Dermapen

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